速報APP / 教育 / Presence Experiment

Presence Experiment





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Presence Experiment(圖1)-速報App

Good virtual real­ity cre­ates a sense of pres­ence — the feel­ing of really being in the vir­tual world. But what causes pres­ence to hap­pen? We know that cer­tain fea­tures of a vir­tual envir­on­ment help gen­er­ate pres­ence, but other fea­tures can hamper or break it entirely.

In this Google Cardboard application you will visit a virtual bar to watch a singer perform. There are subtly different versions of the scene. With your permission we will gather data from questionnaires that you answer inside the application. These answers will help us better understand presence in virtual reality.

Presence Experiment(圖2)-速報App

We will share aggregate results from the study with VR researchers and enthusiasts, and the general public.

We collect no personal data in the app, just your answers to questions and what you do inside the application. You can opt out of any data collection. All data is held anonymously in compliance with the UK Data Protection Act. This study is approved by the University College London Research Eth­ics Com­mit­tee (Pro­ject ID Num­ber 0439/002).

For more information see http://vr.cs.ucl.ac.uk/vrjam/information-for-participants/